Code of Conduct for Business Partners
At Colep Consumer Products, hereinafter referred to as Colep-CP, sustainability is a key element of our strategy and we believe that without sustainability companies will not be successful in the market. We want to ensure that we have a responsible way of doing business, contributing to a positive social impact in the communities where Colep-CP operates, improving the bond between the company and its stakeholders, respecting the integrity of human rights and assuring the sustainability of communities and the environment. To do this effectively, we must ensure that all of our business partners are aware and aligned with our Love Tomorrow Sustainability Agenda.
Colep-CP’s sustainability Agenda, the Love Tomorrow Agenda, is based on 4 pillars: People, Processes, Products and Partnerships. In the definition of our agenda, our benchmarks were major references, guidelines and best practices of the industry, such as: Ecovadis; Sedex; CDP; United Nations Sustainable Development Goals; GRI Standards.
This Code defines the ethical principles that Colep-CP expects all of its business partners to comply with and aims to establish a set of mandatory requirements that are expected to be met. Colep-Cp expects all of its business partners to fully commit to this Code and all of its requirements.
The Code of Conduct for Business Partners applies to all Colep-CP business partners, including but not limited to customers, suppliers and service providers, as well as their affiliates and subsidiaries.
Colep-CP has a Direct Line service, which enables business partners to voice their concerns about non-compliance with this Code and/or any applicable law or regulation. This line offers confidentiality to anyone using it, and may be used anonymously.
Colep-CP ensures that no act of retaliation will take place as a result of such disclosure. Colep-CP’s business partners can access the Direct Line through various channels:
- Global Direct Line, by mail and email:
Colep Consumer Products Portugal, S.A.
Rua Manuel Pinto de Azevedo, 272
4100-320 Porto, Portugal
- Local Direct Lines, by local phone number and e-mail:
Brazil Direct Line +55 11 23911728 |
Mexico Direct Line + 52 (442) 3885016 |
Poland Direct Line + 48 (44) 3071002 |
Portugal Direct Line + 351 300527609 |
- Legal and Regulatory compliance
Compliance with laws, regulations, contracts, permits and industry guidelines is a mandatory requirement applicable to all Colep-CP business partners.
Colep-CP’s business partners shall act in accordance with applicable laws, both internationally and in the countries in which they operate (for example in terms of labour, competition, international trade, use of chemicals, environment, data protection, bribery, among others).
Colep-CP’s business partners shall implement mechanisms for verifying and monitoring compliance with these requirements.
2. Anti-Corruption and Fair Competition
Colep-CP business partners shall have internal policies and procedures which guarantee that their activity is based on principles of integrity and business ethics, such as:
- Prohibition of any form of or attempt of corruption, including blackmail, bribery, money laundry, violation of trade law and other illegal practices;
- Developing its activity in accordance with the principles of Fair Competition, always ensuring transparency throughout the supply chain, as well as identifying and addressing potential conflicts of interest that may arise in the conduct of their activities.
Business partners shall maintain accurate and proper recordkeeping, ensuring that business transactions are transparent and that there is no actual or attempted participation in fraudulent activities.
3. Human Rights, Work Conditions and Health & Safety
Business partners of Colep-CP shall respect and honour the principles of internationally recognized human rights consisting of those rights expressed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the principles concerning fundamental rights as set out in the International Labour Organization (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.
Business partners shall ensure the dignified working conditions of their workers, regarding working hours, remuneration and benefits, workplace safety and collective work agreements.
Business partners shall comply with all applicable health and safety laws, rules, regulations and industry standards, ensuring the improvement of the health and safety of their workers, and assess and address workstation risks and train workers on the safe conduct to adopt.
Business partners shall guarantee that all persons are treated humanely, respect their dignity and privacy, prohibit torture or other cruel inhumane or degrading treatment, sexual exploitation and abuse or violation or any kind of discrimination based on race, colour, religion, gender, health status, sexual orientation, age, origin, political affiliation and other factors.
Business partners shall comply with all applicable wage and hour laws, including minimum wage, overtime, maximum hour rules, meal and rest periods, and provide legally mandated benefits.
Business partners shall not allow any kind of forced or child labour, and employment must be voluntarily and freely chosen: every worker shall have freedom of movement, no worker shall pay for a job and no worker shall be indebted or coerced to work.
4. Quality and Innovation
Colep-CP’s suppliers shall to ensure the quality and excellence of the products supplied, in accordance with international reference standards as well as the specific requirements of Colep-CP.
5. Environmental Impact Reduction
Colep-CP’s business partners shall have policies and procedures in place to protect the environment and surrounding ecosystems and ensure that their environmental impacts are minimized.
These policies and procedures shall reflect monitoring and improvement in terms of energy and water consumption, CO2 emissions and waste production.
Compliance with all legal and regulatory requirements in terms of environmental protection shall also be ensured.
6. Intellectual Property and Confidential Information
Business partners shall ensure compliance with applicable data protection laws, provide transparency regarding personal data processing activities that concern the marketed products or services and ensure adequate technical and organizational protection measures.
7. Sanction for Non-Compliance
Colep-CP shall be entitled to conduct audits to verify compliance with the requirements set out in this Code and to request the implementation of corrective measures if non-compliances are detected.
In case these issues are not addressed in a timely manner, Colep-CP reserves the right to take action against Business Partners, including contract termination and/or litigation, as applicable, for failure to comply with this Code, and/or any applicable local or international law or regulation.